Wednesday, January 2, 2008


In the past week I have been amazed over and over again at how fast our little girl is growing. She is talking up a storm and becoming so grown! Here are a few examples of what she is dong...

It was snowing here a bit this morning when we went to take Aaron the train. As we returned I was carrying Madison in and she giggles and said "snow tictilled" Which in Madison-ese is Snow tickled! It melted my heart.

We went to Outback last night with Ma-maw and Pa-Paw. As we went in she saw the ducks. She said "Goose" Hey, close enough for me! She's not quite two you know!

While we were eating the football game came on and she pointed to the tv and said "foo-ball yeah!" Guess all those Sundays with Daddy got her hooked... I'm out numbered.

At a commercial a picture of an arrow came on, She said, you guessed it... "aarow"

She also has figured out her colors and now says "yellow" instead of "yelyo" I miss it already.

She is recognizing some of her letters. Thanks Sesame Street and all of her cool magnetic letters.

She is also able to count some. I'm so proud.

She loves to play pretend, she dresses up in dress up clothes too!

She asks for "kettup" with fries and "srup" with pancakes!

I would write all of her new phrases, but you would be here a while! =o)

One of my favorites...

Aaron was watching her on Sunday while I slept for work and they had just eaten breakfast. He said he went to put the dishes away and quiet fell over the living room. So he came into the living room and couldn't find her anywhere. He checked the gates, both closed... He said frantically "Madison, where are you?" Dead silence. About 15-20 seconds later he hears in this sweet little voice "arrrrreee yyyyoooouuu??" It came from the toy box! She had climbed in and pulled it closed and was peeping out of the crack! Funny now, but not so much then...

I will post pics soon and eventually my goodbye to '07.

Welcome 2008. May we all be healthy and happy.


Lisa said...

how sweet! Sounds like you are doing a great job, mom! :) Happy New Year!