Friday, January 4, 2008

For 2008

Well, here it is 4 am and I am awake with thoughts of laundry, dishes and vacuuming. On top of that, I have already failed my first goal of the New Year...

#1~ I will make a concentrated effort not to procrastinate. Like I said, I've already broken this one... it is Jan 4 already and I have yet to give my farewell to 2007, so this will have to do.

#2~ This follows closely with #1. I vow not to let the tags on my car go dead and drive around more than a month without knowing it. (2 years in a row)

#3~ I will be proud if what I have accomplished as a mom. I breast fed for 22 months. It was hard in the beginning and hard in the end, but very worth it. That being said, it's nice to have what resembles my body back.

#4~ I will work on my "Mother's Guilt." While it is true that every decision I make as a parent effects Madison, they will not all be substantial and life altering. I will accept the fact that I have to work and that I am being the best mom i can be while working full time.

#5~ I will try to let go of the guilt that I have to sleep after working and remind myself that working days right now would mean 3 days without seeing Madison at all. Eventually I will go part time and possible days/evening, however, it is not feasible now.

#6~ I will try to make more time for Aaron. That means I will have to try to allow time away from Madison on occasion. I know she likes a break from us every once in a while.

#7~ I will limit my "impulse buying" this year. I will make a list and do my best to try not to come home with more than 1 item not on my list.

#8~ I will start saving money for he future. This will in turn make it easier to to take leave with our next child... no, not yet, but a good two years of saving is good...

#9 I will join the YMCA and work out so that I can be healthy to watch Madison and any other children grow. (yep, I'm one of the 70% of women who make this resolution.)

#10~ We hope to sell our house and buy a smaller one. I will make an effort to keep up with our current house, and if we do buy a new one, I will keep it clean.

#11~ I will enjoy each hug, kiss and slobbery raspberry. I will enjoy watching my husband look at our daughter with complete love and joy in his eyes, and I will fall in love with him over and over each day... even if i wan to whack him occasionally!

So~ there it is. I will do my best. Wish me luck =o)


Lisa said...

I love the new layout! I think your resolutions are fabulous and I think I could learn a few things from trying some of them myself! Youre doing a great job, mom!