Thursday, September 11, 2008

Writer's Block...

I am finding it increasingly hard to blog... or maybe it's that I don't have time to blog... or it could be that my brain is "why"-ed out. That's right, Madison has entered the world of why and she is dragging everyone in with her, kicking and screaming. She just woke up one morning and out it came. All I can do is laugh to myself. I have been waiting for this stage. She wants to know the ins and outs of everything now. Lately our conversations go a little like this:

Mads: Where are my puppies?

Mommy: We put them downstairs.

Mads: Why?

Mommy: You wanted to have a picnic. I didn't want them to eat your food.

Mads: Why?

Mommy: I want you to eat your food.

Mads: Why?

Mommy: So you can grow big and strong...

Mads: Why?

You get the general idea. By this point it tends to be smiling and cringing all at the same time. You never know how long one of these conversations can go.

In other news, Mads is recovering from quite a nasty cold and fever. She's on the up and up now with just a nagging cough left behind. She's doing well in her new toddler bed, just likes to fall asleep with the door open. She is waking up earlier in the mornings too. It's good though, it means she gets a good nap in and makes it through the day without getting to cranky.

She woke up last night at 12:20 (am) crying out for her friend. She was crying b/c "nana' (Adrianna) is gone far away and she needs her here. It was really sad. We rocked, sang, read a book and I even laid in bed with her for a bit. When I moved to the floor she put her hand out and waited for mine in return. She held my hand while she fell back into slumber.I can only imagine she had been dreaming and was disappointed when she woke up. While she drifted I couldn't help but notice how big her little hand was becoming with mine. She seems to be growing overnight!

When her whole cold thing started we had been at Chuck-E-Cheese earlier in the day. Mads had won a white balloon from one of the games. She played and played with it. We even took it outside and tied it up while we went swimming. To our dismay, the balloon managed to slip ot of her hands and my reach and float right up to the sky. We watched it for a long time. Mads was not too excited. She remembered sending balloons to Baby Aleah in Feb for her heaven day and asked if that was where it went. She asked if Aleah would share her balloon and send it back. After a while we managed to get fixated on something else. I believe she had her first night terror that night. She woke up screaming for me, but didn't seem awake. She was calling for me through half opened unfocused eyes long after she was in my arms and even out to the living room. The whole thing lasted about 20 min, but it felt like forever. I hope she never does that again.

Once she was awake and feeling better (it was now about 10 pm) she remembered her balloon, which we told her had become a star for her to look at. She was distraught, so Mom, Cassie, and I decided to go on a balloon hunt. We put Mads in the car and went searching to see of her balloon had been floating around anywhere. Our hunt led us right to the Giant parking lot. Mads and I waited in the car while mom and Cassie searched around. And guess what?! That special white balloon came all the way back from the Heavens and brought friends of all colors with him! Mads was so excited. From there she went off to sleep pretty quick! Oh, and did I mention Cassie is allergic to latex?? Amazing what we will do for our children!