Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

I'm in shock... Madison refused her nap outright yesterday. she had a fit, kicking, screaming, told me i was mean, even tried to bite me. I held my ground, and pulled a nanny 911 on her and continue to place her in her bed and ignore her outburst. This went on about 10 min or so on and off.... it felt much longer. She finally settled into her bed and read books. She started to thing napping was a good idea, but it was getting late and we had planned to go get our nails done like big girls, so she had "quiet time " yesterday, but no nap. We went to get her nails painted and she stuck her hand out and said "no lady, i don't want you." Needless to say there was no nail painting for her. We came home to find Poppy and Uncle Rick and Jay cutting grass. We decided to go get outback curbside... Madison rode with Kristina and I... on the way home, despite my every efforts, she fell asleep. IT WAS ONLY 6:15!! I took her in the house, put her on the ouch, changed her clothes, pull-up and took her hair down. She was out. I took her to her room and laid her in her bed. She curled up on her side and that was that. I waited and waited to see if I had made the right choice, and fully expected to be up all night. When bed time came and she was still out, I fully expected to start my day at 5am... She stretched around 12 midnight and rolled over and about 3 am sat up in bed for a minute before grabbing her num-num and giving in to the night again. I heard the pitter-patter of little feet at 7am! Wow!! She was tired.

We got up this morning and made dinosaur toast and eggs. She wanted to know where her white was, so we learned about eggs and how heat turns the clear stuff into the white stuff she likes to eat. It's been a good morning!!

Here are a few pics from the last week or so...

~Oh yeah, she had her first "hay"-ride!!


manda said...

Ada did the same thing yesterday, but it isn't the first time in recent weeks. She conked out last night at about 6:15 and then slept about an hour. She fell asleep at about 930 last night and got up at 7 am. I was worried about being up all night too. Fortunately, today, she is napping.