Thursday, December 6, 2007


I am lost on how to discipline an almost 2 year old. She has started hitting, kicking and occas biting me. I put her in time out but it doesn't seem to work. She knows we usually let her get up when she says she is sorry, so now as soon as we set her down she says sorry and wants to get up. Even if she sits a bit she sometimes gets up and hits me again. It's not hard, it's just out of spite.

Tonight she hit me in the face with a toy. She was playing with me and cocked it back and whacked me! Let a mark too. I'll try to post a picture. Owww! Any suggestions let me know.

It is much easier to discipline someone else's child. We don't spank or hit here, but time out isn't working either. One this I know for sure though. Even when she is rotten I am thankful for my time with her. I love being a mommy to her, and I just want to do my best by her.

Otherwise she was pretty good today.

My Owie!

Sweet girl