Sunday, July 20, 2008

Lucky girl!

I guess any parent going through separation with a child worries how their child will be impacted. I have struggled with this on and off, only wanting the best for Madison. Tonight it hit me... This is the best thing for her. I was worried she would feel pulled between two homes as she got older, or might think she was at fault. The truth is, she has made our life worth it. She is the light in a dark spot. Her smile rights the world. She is in a unique situation. She has two loving homes to go to, two loving parents who would do anything for her, two sets of grandparents who would give her the world. What child wouldn't love 2 Christmas's, 2 bedrooms, etc? She told me tonight excitedly that she had gotten a new room at daddy's and a new bike! What a lucky little girl she is that she has so many people in her life that love her so much. I hope we can continue to give her the best of two worlds!


siri said...

A child is always impacted when parents seperate but it's up to BOTH parents to act like adults and always put the child first, regardless of how it makes the parent feel. Always remember that she has TWO family's that love her and that make her the person that she is. It may hurt to see your child leave w/the other parent but she is a part of that person also and she will be impacted more than you think if she is not a part of his/her life. The moral of the story is, regardless of how angry/sad/mad/hateful you are at the other parent, it is that person that helped bring Madison into this world. Be thankful to that person and don't put Madison in the middle of unresolved issues between the parents.