Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dry almost all day.

Madison stayed dry almost all day long! She used the potty all morning, and kept her pull up dry for two hours while we ran errands this morning. When we got home she whipped her pants down and peed a ton! I am so proud of her! She has not pooped in her pull-ups in 2 days. I think we are close to potty training success. I have found it is easier not to pressure her and she is doing it all by herself!


Unknown said...

Ok, so will you do mine now? They just don't care. Every time I put a new diaper/pull up on them they say "no pee pee or poopie da puwwup. pee pee da potty". They tell me when they need changing, but will sit for literally an hour on the potty without "making a deposit". I'm ready to pull my hair out! LOL!

MKatesMommy said...

that's what we used to do, but she just started to do it on her own recently. She was eating lunch and her little table today while i was in the kitchenand she jumped up, pulled her pants down and pooped in her potty and then came and told me she poopoo-ed in the potty! Boy did it stink!