Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween to everyone! Mads and her Daddy and I just got back from trick-or treating. I think she had a pretty good time. She was the only "Crabby-patty" out and about. It didn't take her long to realize how things worked. She quickly forgot the whole trick-or treat part and started running up to doors saying "i want candy.... please!" After we reminded her a few times she caught on. She was so funny! The way her costume fit she couldn't move her arms much, so when people handed her candy she always asked for help. "I can't reach my bag" she would say. She was an eye catcher for sure!!

Poor baby started off her Halloween rough... We made caramel apples last night. She decorated them with sprinkles, candy worms, and candy corn. She woke up at 5 am and threw up 3 times over about an hour. SHe then had diarrhea a good part of the day. I think we'll stay away from Target's worms from now on. Once she stopped puking and pooping green (from the black worms) She was good to go. She missed her Halloween party at school, but was none the wiser. All and all a great night. She's one well-loved kid.

We are still awaiting the arrival of the great pumpkin here at poppy's house... Hope we have better luck than Linus did!


Roxanna said...

Haha how cute... looks like you guys had a lot of fun

Lisa said...

is that a pbk costume? Love it. Glad that she felt well enough to go T or Ting, looks like you guys had a blast!

MKatesMommy said...

Yes, it's the PBK cheeseburger, but she preferred to be called a crabby patty!! haha