Friday, May 15, 2009

Adrianna comes to visit

If it is possible to have a best friend before you are born, then Adrianna would be that for Madison. From the time both girls were in our tummies they would go wild around each other. We assumed Adrianna was a boy and that our kids would date, but Rachel and I were wrong. Our girls just knew they would have a special bond that no one could come between. After Adrianna was born, 9 weeks early and 7 weeks after Madison, and came home from the Nicu we started getting together with the girls. They have loved each other since. We continued to get them together regularly and Rachel even babysat for me until last summer. Rachel and I have been through as much together as the girls have. Both of us found ourselves in the middle of Divorce this past year. The girls are no longer living down the street from each other, but talk on the phone and see each other at least once a month. They talk of each other everyday. We were so excited when Rachel and Adrianna were able to come visit this week. The time went by so fast, but was much needed on both ends. The girls were so happy to see each other and played wonderfully together. We took them to build a bear and they made each other bears with a special message. Madison is sleeping with hers at night. I snapped a few pictures of the girls and wanted to share. Enjoy! They are precious...