Friday, November 9, 2007

expanding vocabulary

Sorry t has been so long between updates. It has just been pretty busy. Yesterday Madison got a haircut. It must be her 5th or so. I was looking at her pictures from her 1st Birthday, and wow has she changed. I can't believe it has been 9 months. Soon she will be two. We are working on many things. Occasionally she decides out of no-where to use the potty. I haven't dne much with potty training in a while, but as she keeps showing me she is intersted, we may pick back up on it. SHe also throws words out like it is nobody's business.Things like Polar bear, haircut, elephant, "...etc. She is also mastering her flashcards from the crayola factory. We are still working on colors. She knows all of the colors and calls them out randomly. Most of the time everything is "yellyo" but when you show her yellow it is "bwue, puhple, or geen" We are getting there. I hope everyone is well. For those who are not feeling so great, we are including you in our prayers. Oh yeah, Madison loves to kiss her rosary beads that Jill gave her and say " yuv you Jee-Jees" I only told her what it was once. Isn't it funny how she just knew?