Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bare with my over the next few posts while I attempt to play catch up...

March 11-12th

Madison is still hanging in there in dance class. She is very funny. Her class has changed drastically since starting. She has a new teacher for one. Ms. Suzi (love her) abruptly disappeared and the girls got a new teacher. Ms. Veronica had a rough start. The girls... all 3 of them, gave her a terrible time. As a 2-3 year old structure is important. When Madison's new teacher stepped in she acted scared to death of the girls and they knew it! They worked her over good. Madison even told her her name was Ashely and let her call her that for a whole class! I started to doubt whether it was worth it to continue. Their whole schedule and routine had been uprooted and nothing was getting accomplished! Apparently I was not the only parent who missed Miss Suzi. One little girls mom pulled her out and another little girl quit on her own... (they had both been with Miss Suzi for 2 sessions or about a year! We stuck it out and had two new friends join us. Things have gotten better and Mads is learning again, but I have to say I still miss Miss Suzi! But hang in there folks! There will be a "recital" at the end of class... June 14th I think.

On Thursday we went to a play date with the FM group we belong to. It was at the playroom. Madison continues to have an ongoing love affair with the Incredibles! We have gone as far as to keep track of little 2 inch "bob" sticker. It has gone everywhere with her. Once we left him at a friends house and I resorted to making a "Flat Bob," (closely related to Flat Stanley). This was good enough to get her off to sleep. I then went on a hunt for ebay and found some plush guys. Life is easier now. But I am not sure how many more times I can stand to see the movie. We have tried Bolt, Fox and the Hound, and many many more to no avail! In fact when you ask Madison what her name is she will most often tell you "Violet" She really is too funny! Anyways. We went to the playroom... even after our horrible experience there for Mads birthday party. There were so many kids, it was wonderful. And I for once wasn't the only crazy one with a camera... Leave it to my child to latch on to the ONLY child that wasn't there with our group! And the Only child there whose mother was reading a book instead of tending to her child. It might have had something to do with the fact that it was her dream man. Mr Incredible himself! They were inseparable. She even invited him in for snack time. And she was heart broken when he left. We ended up at party city looking for a costume that afternoon. We had no luck, but settled for costume masks for the whole family! I ordered a violet costume (which she wore twice) and it is hanging in the bathroom collecting dust!