Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Soccer with mommy

March 21st

Today, as promise, I took Madison to soccer tots. It was a blast. I got the opportunity earlier than expected after Aaron got a St Pat's Day booboo. His leg is nasty looking. Should be interesting to see what is going on with that! They are expecting it will be a meniscus or ACL tear. Keep your fingers crossed that it isn't anything too bad. It's his right knee, so no driving right now, and either of those two options mean surgery is likely.

I wish I could be a Tots every Saturday. She was a blast to watch! We took her pretty blue ball for class. I assumed we were supposed to come with a ball. I thought I saw bright colored balls in some of the other pics from before. Turns out those were balloons and that the field house provides balls to the class. I became "that mom" The one who comes in causing problems. All was good until another little boy wanted the blue ball. Anyone who knows my Madison can guess how well that went... Yep, she picked the ball up and ran around the field refusing to put it down and wasn't happy. The coach brought me the ball and said "at this age they just don't understand..." Of course they don't... like I said. I was "that parent" I hung my head in shame =o)

She conned me into an ice cream after class and told me daddy gets them for her... After I paid for it she cracked a big smile and said... only you get them mommy!