Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Welcoming baby Madeline

April 2

Ever tried to explain how a baby grows in a mommy's tummy to a 3 year old. I am sure most of the population has. it is really funny and quite cute to watch them try to figure it all out. It is so easy to forget that a 3 year old is only 3 years old at everything... at seeing clouds, at following directions, at taking naps... I made the mistake of telling Madison that we were going to a baby shower for Christina and Baby Madeline. She was confused for two reasons... One because she thought Christina was Kristina and two, she was distraught at the end of the shower b/c she didn't get to see Baby Madeline and didn't understand why she would not come to her own party for cake! We showed her Christina's belly and explained that Madeline was in there and would come out soon. She put her hands on Christina's belly and giggled. That seemed to work for now... I have added a few pics of Madison and the other munchkins from work! Enjoy... they are really all just too sweet!