Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Can we say PIZZA!

March 27th

With the FM group, we attended a trial class at the YCA (Young Chef's Academy). It was a blast and I totally recommend it. There were a handful of kids there and they all really did a great job. They learned how to make pizza. They colored a chef's hat while it cooled and then got to eat it! And I found out that Madison lies pepperoni before it is cooked just like mommy! Madison ate almost all of hers! She shared a small piece with me first though and I am relieved to say that she appears to have gotten the cooking gene more so than I ever did! Looks like we'll have to go back so I can learn to cook! And, I was a terrible mom and forgot the camera! Don't worry though, a very nice mommy in our group got quite a few for me, so I will get them

April 1st

Pizza night with Poppy! Madison made pizza with Poppy and Mommy tonight! It was yummy! She taught us all how to make a mouthwatering dough and delicious toppings! Here are a few pics of Madison "Chefing it up!"