Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Bunny... or not??

April 3

When I was younger, and even following as an adult anxiously awaiting the arrival of my first baby, I would try to imagine who that child would be. Would he/she be shy like I was, or outgoing and makes friends everywhere they went like Jason?? What would they look like. Would they be practically bald until age 3 like me? Would he/she be a tomboy, or afraid of the dirt? Will she be even tempered and easy to get along with, or hotheaded and impatient? I fantasized about playing Santa and The Easter Bunny and recreating the magic my parents created for me and my brother. I would wonder how long it would be before they questioned the reality of a fat man in a red suit who came down the chimney (when there was one) and made it all around the world in one night, or a giant bunny who hops all around the world leaving jelly beans and easter eggs. Ever see a bunny eat an egg??

Well, with my first child now at the age of 3, some of my questions have been answered. Madison is a smart, articulate, funny and sweet child who is outgoing and makes friends everywhere just lie her Uncle Jay. She has a head full of long beautiful brown hair and shockingly beautiful blue eyes (never thought that would happen in a million years). It is a fight ti keep her hair out of her face some days and others she can't wait to have it pulled up and tied with pretty bows. Some days she wants a pretty dress and twirls like a ballerina to tell me how beautiful she feels. (And boy is she beautiful... inside and out). Some days she wants to be in her jammies all day... and who can blame her right? Some days she doesn't even want Elmer's glue on her hands, and others she is digging in the dirt in the garden with Poppy, in her jammies I might add! She is sweet and funny and patient and hotheaded and sour and demanding on any given day. She is a prefect 3 year old. I wouldn't change a thing about her... I am so lucky to be her mommy. In fact, we are all very lucky to have her in our lives.

We usually have to go to see Santa in the mall several times a year... The Easter Bunny too. This year I dressed her in her Easter Dress and took her to the mall to see the Bunny. She waited patiently in line grinning ear to ear. She ran up to him, jumped on his lap, smiled for the camera and then... didn't say a word. She jumped up came to me and we waited to see her picture. I asked her what she had said to the Easter bunny and she said "Nothing." I asked her what the Easter Bunny said to her and she replied "Nothing... that wasn't the Easter Bunny Mommy." I tried to reason with her and resorted to telling her it must have been one of his helpers and that the real EB was busy making Easter Eggs and Jelly Beans. She settled for this. I spent the rest of the weekend trying to figure out what had just happened. When I picked her up from Grandma Linda's house I got my answer. While discussing her trip to the bunny she very simply told grandma... "There was a boy in there... I saw his shoe!"