Friday, October 5, 2007

Baby in a box

Now where did i put that return receipt? J/K Isn't she funny. She did this all by herself. I almost peed myself laughing. Madison continues to learn new words and suprise all the time with her inteligence and charm. She has been a true blessing. Daddy comes home today!

Just incase there is anyone who reads my blog that doesn't read Manda's, if you would like to donate to the Ronald McDonald House of Fairfax in her sweet baby Aleah Marie's name, please refer to the link on the right hand side of my blog for the twin ladybugs and help to keep her memory alive through support for other families that are using their resources.


manda said...

Hey thanks!

I was wondering, what gets more playtime, the box, or the toy?

MKatesMommy said...

the box was the immediate hit, but she can't seem to stand Dora to where her shoes. She takes thm off. Honestly, she likes the book that came with the doll best. She is learning spanish and english some.

manda said...

You need a FLICKR account. I love the first picture. A walking box.