Friday, September 28, 2007

Ignorant people...

Anyone who has a toddler, especially one who is rounding two knows that they occasionally throw fits. there is a huge communiccation barrier between them and us you know. They are learning to talk, but can't express all of their feelings. Unfortunatley there are ignorant people out there that don't help matters any.

Tonight my buddy Jill and I stopped by Walmart with Madison for a quick shop. We found what we needed and then went to check out. We had already been to the mall as well(where Madison fell in love with an aromatherapy lamb). She was good as gold. Because we we quick Ieft the stroller in the car, let her walk. While we were checking out Madison wanted to run around, so when I told her we had to stand still she layed down on the floor and screamed twicw in frustration. The guy behind me asked if she was tired. I responded, " I don't know, she's sure something." He responded "I have three daughters, And I certainly know there are times when DEFIANCE deserves a frim spanking on the butt."

I felt my anger rise and spew out of my ears. How dare he. It's bad enough she was upset, but people like him don't help. He was lucky I started off in a good mood. However, my emotions must have shown, b/c he did not make eye contact with me anymore. I bet he was never even there for his kids. Thise are the kind that like to enforce diciplinelike that.

To that comment, after shooting him an "eat shit or run" look I bent down, picked her up and she kissed me. She knew I was looking out for her. She then proceeded to smile and blow kisses to everine and tell them hi. Everyone except the guy. I bet her felt like an ass, at least i hope so.

We also stopped by Baby 2 Teen and Jill bought Madison some baby perume, Musti. It smells so good. Thanks Jill! =o)

Madison's loot also arrived today. Adorable clothes all arond. Good job pa-paw. She loved abby!