Friday, September 14, 2007

Real Smooth

Have you ever had "one of those days?" Madison and I went out to find fabric for her new carseat cover. Jill and I went all over and looked and looked. I have no brain for creativity even though I try... Grandma is going to have to come help me, or I may have a disaster in progress! I want it to look good when it is done, so I ned a second.. and third opinion. Next I went to Stride Rite to have Madison's foot measured, but it was super busy. When I walked in there were a lot of moms and kids sitting around and all the moms had that "If you even try to get the one sales associate heres attention I will drag you to the floor by your hair and bite your ear" look. So we turned around and walked back out. Apparently in all the madness I forgot how to walk. I fell very ungracefully off of a curb. Thank God Jill had Madison. I also wanted to get her a scrapbook with Sesame Street characters for our vacation pictures. It had been on sale, but not today. Last I went to Costco with the family to buy a mattress topper and guess what??? You got it, not there. We settled for a cheaper one from Belk.

I did get to spend a lot of time with Madison though, and that is the best. Jill and I took her to feed the geese and she had a blast. She also met Jill's neice Lily, she's 10 mo. So the day wasn't a total bust. A smile and a hug from your little girl can right the wrong in the world... well, most of it. I'll post pictures soon! Madison sends her love. =o)