Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Have you ever tiptoed down the steps to catch a glimps of your child entertaining themselves? I woke up this afternoon to get ready for work and grab a little quality time with Maditude and Aaron and ass I walked down the steps I could here that Aaron was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher. I then heard the pitter-patter of Madison's little feet followed by a "whee" and a thump. I crouched down on the steps to where I could see her, but she was unaware that I was watching. She was in her playhouse. Aparently she had pulled most of her sesame street friends in to her playhouse floor and was running out of the front door, off the porch and diving through the front window with a "whee" First her upper body went in, then her lowwer half kinda of thumped through and then finally her little piggies would disapear. She would lay there a minute and then go again. She was having a blast.

After watching her a few times I came down the steps. She quickly spotted me, squealed a very quick "MOMMAY" and then the show was over. She was telling me to lie down and has even learned to say please, thank you and sorry. She is picking up new words all the time. I couldn't name all of the words she says now,. She is like a little parrot, and uses most of them correctly. She even has a sign for all done and plese that she uses when she says the words.

Potty training is going ok. She prefers to be naked to the big girl panties, but will wear them. She has had another successful poop in the potty and loves to flush her poop =o)and tell it bye-bye. She also has had a few "almost successes" with pee-pee. I have to admit, I am not 100% focused on this yet. I don't want to stress her out.

Madison still hasn't accepted that Oscar doesn't live in the trashcans in our house. She refuses to accept that fact, and checks for him regularly. So far, he has not moved in without my knowing. If he decides to I'm going to live with one of you. =o)

I'm sorry it has been a week since my last post. Work and home life has been busy. Last week we did some potty training and even went and had labs drawn... both of us. I went first. Madison cried for me when I got stuck and then cried again when they stuck her. I'm hoping her labs come back normal and we don't have to freat over this thalasemia trait thing. Prayers are appreciated =o) This isn't something that would effect her, but may effect her children if the dad also has the trait and it is passed on. So you are praying for no complications with Madison's babies. A LONG WAY OFF, ofcourse. I'll post pics soon and promise to make a better effort at blogging. Love for now...