Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Noodle Nose

Family dinner at this table continued tonight. It was a blast. Uncle Jay and Aunt Kristina came too. We had spagetti with gnocchi noodles and green beans and fruit. MAdison also had a hotdog towards the end. She wasn't really impressed with the dinner, but loved the company. She and daddy got into a "Mine, no mine War." This escalated into a quiet pout with her eyes covered with her fists. she then decided she needed to eat, but stubborn as she is she refused to uncover her pout. So she put her face down close to the plate and slid one hand down, scooped up some fruit and then into her mouth. Her hand never left her face! I tried to oput the video up, but couldn't figure it out. Madison also burped today and smiled, covered her mouth and said "me" She was saying excuse me! What a smart girl!! We go tomorrow to pick out the rest of the material for her carseat cover, and get her big feet measured. Won't they love her pretty pink toenails!