Thursday, July 26, 2007


I am really behind with my blogging, but am goinh to jump ahead for now. I will catch you up on what you have missed lately in the next blog, but today is a special day. Madison and I are babysitting Kendall today. Madison is being really goo, and really helpful. She really is a big girl! Kendall is also all smiles. She is even sharing her binki with he buddy... good thing she brought two! I dont know how many times one can wash a binki and have it not fall apart!! Believe it or not they are both down for the count. Here are some pictures for now...


Madsgramma said...

What is that in Madison's mouth???See how the regress. Like you did when Jason was born...I love the pics and what is in Kendall's lap in the swing?

Lisa said...

how sweet! how lucky you are to have two beautiful girls for the day! :) I think Madison wants a little sister...;) haha :)