Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Crazy Days

Work really seems to be taking its toll on me. Nght shift is great when I am there, but it is awful on the body. I don't seem to know whether I am coming or going. I can't sleep at night anymore either it seems. I wake up between 2-4 am all the time again. It is pretty miserable. I'm not quite sure what I am gonna do about it yet...

Life with Madison is wonderful. Aaron and I can't get enough of her. She is really talking a lot now and trying to mimic just about everything we say or do. Aaron calls most of her talk "scuba speak" because it sounds like she is underwater. I remember being afraid that I would love the newborn stage best when she was born and that I would miss it as she grew older. I find that I do miss it, but I miss every stage... However, I love each new stage we hit that much more. Speaking of which... We managed not to ever let her fall off of the bed or couch at all. Well, until today, although I'm not sure it counts. Madison took off running across the couch and all of a sudden it was like spmething out of the matrix... She was in the air, and then did a sideways roll and face planted right on the carpet. I think it scared her more than it hurt her, but it sucked for me... Mommies are always scarred longer than their babies. But she hasn't stood back up on the couch again yet.

Madison got some cool new clothes from grandma and grandpa when they went to Vegas. They even found her a Bert. Madison thought he was great!! I will include some pictures of one outfit. Another one will be featured in her pictures that are scheduled for Saturday morning. We will be taking pictures with my best friend and her little girl Kendall. I'm sure most of you know the history there... No that I am thinking about it, She was the first person besides Aaron and the nurses to hold Madison in the recovery room, and I actually got to help with Kendall and Shannon in the delivery and at the warmer for footprints and all. Shannon, I will get you the video soon =o)

Aaron and I went out on a bonified date last night. It's only the third time we have been out since Madison was born. The first time it was to dinner, the second to a movie. THis time we actually had dinner and a movie. It was really nice. We reconnected a little. We have vowed to do more as a family with other families and with eachother. Thank you Jay and Kristina. It was really nice to be able to go out and not worry about the care Madison was recieving. You know how I am about leaving her!

Madison found her shadow today . It was really cute. She stopped in her tracks and then started to wave at herself. Se then ran and stomped and then told it bye-bye. Oh to see the world through the eyes of a child. It really is wonderful. If all goes well we are planning to leave for Sesame Place on Tuesday 8/7 and return on the 10th, just in time for the Sullivan Family cookout. I am actually off, and very excited. They only thing that would be better would be to see both sets of grandparents there and ofcourse my hubby. Fingers crossed on that one.

Well, I'm off to get Madison out of the bottom drawer again... Picture will explain. he-he


Madsgramma said...

I love the shadow pics...that's so awesome to capture in pictures. Shows you how much attention she shows to everything around her. She's our special baby girl!!!