Friday, July 6, 2007

Water Baby

Madison continues to love the water. She really likes the water park we go to because of the waterspouts there. She thinks it is funny to step on them and then let go and watch the water spray out again. We went today with our friends Rachel and Adrianna. Apparently Madison takes after me with cold intolerance. I like my water really warm,,, Madison gets used to it, but today she was shivering and her lip was quivering and she was turning purple!! Needless to say we got out and wrapped up in her special Elmo towel. She loves that thing.

We are soon getting ready for our Sesame Place trip. I'm not sure how it is going to go... Today I noticed that she yells no at the tv when elmo talks to the babies!! I'm not sure what she'll do if she sees him hugging other kids. LOL!

As for the potty, I noticed a wet spot to the left of it! Hey!! It's progress =o)