Wednesday, July 4, 2007

On Call...

I think things turned out a little bit backwards. I got called in last night and put on call tonight. I thought we might see the fireworks, but Madison was down for the count by 7:30. Next year we are going to take her to see the fireworks. I am still thinking about setting a few off for her on Friday.

We are also debating the potty training thing. Madison takes her diaper off now when it is wet. She did it again today and good think daddy was paying attention. This time it was more than pee. Aaron was freaking out and I wasn't sure why he was hotfooting it across the living room until he said... " Are they making them dark in the niddle as a bonus now?" I think that means she is aware and doesn't want to be soiled anymore. Wish us luck!!

She is still a champion nose picker. It seems to be her new toy. I guess she will grow out of it. I'll add a few pics of my little firecracker.


Madsgramma said...

That's the cutest little firecracker I've ever seen!!! So glad you didn't have to work....